Los mundos de Upi

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hot Whiskey

-2 1/2 oz Irish whiskey
-1 slice fresh lemon
-2-4 cloves
-1 tsp sugar
-hot water

Pour the whiskey into a whiskey sour glass. Add cloves into the fresh lemon and place into the whiskey. Fill with hot water and dissolve in the sugar. Serve immediately.

I know that the picture has nothing to do with the hot whiskey but I like it. The first time I tried Hot whiskey was when I had a cold. Here people believe that it gets rid of cold symtoms. This reason made me try it and since then I drink it all the time. Now, I only want to share my knowledge with you, and I hope that, if you try it, you enjoy this lovely beverage. I also found these links about its amazing properties, check them out:
Now, I understand why the Gaeilge word for whiskey is ‘uisque beatha’ which means ‘the water of life’.


  • Mmmmh, pinta como un buen reconstituyente para los fríos invernales. Lo probaré, aunque, si cambias el Irish Whiskey por segoviano, ¿pasa algo?

    By Blogger Pierrot Le Fou, at 15/11/06 09:23  

  • La verdad que como dice Fer, tiene buena pinta, aunque como no tengo ni idea de inglas no se esactamente lo que explicas, supongo que una tarta de Whisky. Ya me contó tu primo ayer sus azañas por tierras irlandesas. Que te siga iendo todo bien

    By Blogger Salao, at 15/11/06 17:02  

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